United Voice of the Arctic

Founded in 1977 by the late Eben Hopson of Barrow, Alaska, the Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) has flourished and grown into a major international non-government organization representing approximately 180,000 Inuit of Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and Chukotka (Russia).
Photo: Holly Mercer

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Historic achievements for Indigenous Peoples in the UN Human Rights Council

July 18 and 19, 2024, the UN Human Rights Council held an intersessional meeting on the enhanced participation of Indigenous Peoples in the UN. The meeting was the first time, that member states of the UN Human Rights Council engaged in direct and formal dialogue with Indigenous Peoples, demonstrating a significant milestone.

Check out our new International Maritime Organization (IMO) page!

ICC is the first Indigenous Peoples Organization to be granted Provisional Consultative Status at the IMO. We are applying for Permanent Consultative Status.

Cover of the ICC 2023 Calendar

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Silavuut Asijjiliqtuq

The Weather is Changing

The Weather is Changing, highlights how Inuit have been leaders, for decades, in the fight against climate change. The video looks at the past, present, and future of ICC’s advocacy in the climate change space.

Founder of ICC – Eben Hopson