
Help Bring the Inuit Voice to the International Community

Supporting the work of I.C.C. Foundation

The Objective of the I.C.C. Foundation is to unite and promote the Inuit around the circumpolar region and to protect the status and interests of Inuit within Canada and the circumpolar region.  

Through the I.C.C. Foundation, work is done to promote the management and maintenance of arctic and sub-arctic wildlife, environment, biological productivity and renewable and non-renewable natural resources, and preserving the Inuit tradition in the interest of Inuit. 

Through your donation to the I.C.C. Foundation, it will help Inuit publish, sell and distribute educational and cultural materials related to the Inuit culture and language, develop and implement a policy of research regarding social, economic or cultural studies for or about Inuit. 

I.C.C. Foundation is set up to receive donations through Canada Helps, a trusted charity that  aims to inform, inspire and connect charities and doners with the causes they care about.  

Through our Foundation we are a registered charity in Canada. Donations should be made to the I.C.C. Foundation.
Our B/N Registration number is 10808 5002 RR 0001.

Donations can be made directly through the Canada Helps link below:

Canada – I.C.C. Foundation 

Ways to contact us: 

Phone: +1 613 563-2642
Mail: ICC (Canada), 75 Albert Street, Suite 1001, Ottawa, ON, Canada K1P 5E7

Submit an online inquiry:

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