ICC Activities
Taking Action to Advance the Inuit Vision

9th General Assembly: Inuit Voice – Enlightening The World
Kuujjuaq, Quebec – August 11-16, 2002
The 9th ICC general assembly was held in Kuujjuaq, Nunavik, Canada from August 11‑16, 2002. The theme was Inuit Voice Enlightening the World, and Her Excellency the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson, Governor General of Canada was the Patron of the event. The assembly also celebrated ICC’s 25th Anniversary. The Kativik Regional Government and the Municipality of Kuujjuaq were the official hosts.
The assembly brought together 68 Inuit leaders/delegates from the four countries. In total 900 government representatives, observers, performers and Arctic experts from around the world came together to participate in special sessions dealing with issues such as: environment and sustainable development; United Nations and human rights; land claims and self-government; and language; communications; and trade. The ICC Task Force on Trade and Communications and Language CommissionsReports were distributed to delegates with their recommendations.
The meeting concluded with the adoption of the Kuujjuaq Declaration which will serve as the mandate for the organization for the coming four years. Implementation will be led by the new ICC Chair, Sheila Watt-Cloutier. Music, cultural performances and art exhibits took place throughout the week; and feasts featuring country food from each country made ICC’s 25th anniversary a memorable event.
Kuujjuaq deserves many thanks for all their hard work which paid off in one of the most successful general assemblies yet.
As Inuit, we think in holistic ways. We know that everything is interrelated the threads of our lives are woven into a garment that is inherently sustainable. Our culture reflects our values, spirit, economy, and health. Our land and natural resources sustain us, and the health of these resources affects our health. If we use and develop these resources with respect, our environment will remain healthy and so will we. The process of the hunt is invaluable, through it we learn what is required to survive and how to gain wisdom–the key to living and acting sustainably. (Sheila Watt-Cloutier, President of ICC (Canada) and Vice-President of ICC, 9th General Assembly, Kuujjuaq, Nunavik, August 14, 2002)
Get in Touch
ICC Canada Office
75 Albert Street, Suite 1001
Ottawa, Ontario
K1P 5E7
+1 613 563 2642
Email: icc@inuitcircumpolar.com