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Ukiuqtaqtumiuqatigiit Inuit Aanniaqtailimajulirinirmut Katimajiralaangit

The Circumpolar Inuit Health Steering Committee (CIHSC) was formed in 2008. The mandate of the CIHSC is to provide guidance and recommendations related to circumpolar Inuit health and well-being and to exchange regional information on challenges, emerging trends, and best practices responding to circumpolar Inuit health issues.

The Circumpolar Inuit Health Steering Committee is comprised of representatives from each ICC country and meets several times a year, either in person or virtually, to discuss Inuit health issues and priorities as well as to advise on ICC’s health projects and initiatives. Members of the committee are selected by each country office.

The CIHSC Members as of June 5, 2019 are:

1. Minnie Grey, Nunavik Board of Regional Health and Social Services
2. TBD

1. Gert Mulvad, Centre of Primary Health Care
2. Karsten Rex

1. Irina Demina
2. Alexander Ivanov

1. Percy Ballot , Maniilaq Association
2. Mary David, Kawerak, Inc.

Tukisigiarunnaqtutit Uumunga

14 + 1 =

Inuit Ukiuqtaqtumiuqatigiit Katimajingit Kanatami Allavinga
75 Auput Aqqutinga, Allavinga Naasautinga 1001
Aatuaa, Antiuriju
K1P 5E7

+1 613 563 2642
Qarasaujakkut Turaarutinga : icc@inuitcircumpolar.com