
Documenting our Progress

Inuit Storytellers and Writers Gather this Week in Iqaluit for Titiraqtat: Inuit Circumpolar Writers Festival 

October 10, 2023—Iqaluit, Canada—Stories have always been an intrinsic part of Inuit culture, often showcasing Inuit creativity and imagination through the art of storytelling. That tradition continues today with the many incredible authors and writers across Inuit Nunaat. Titiraqtat: Inuit Circumpolar Writers Festival is a celebration of the continuation of the storytelling tradition and culture.

The 2023 festival is in Iqaluit, Nunavut, from October 13–15 and will bring together established local, national, and international Inuit writers over three days to celebrate and showcase their writings. This is the festival of its kind, welcoming writers from Greenland, Alaska, and Canada who are travelling to attend the event. ICC Canada is proud to present an exciting lineup of events and presentations over the three days. Multi-talented Sylvia Cloutier from Nunavik will talk about her experience as a playwright, and award-winning filmmaker, storyteller.

Poets presenting at the festival include Allison Akootchook, Warden from Alaska, and Ashley Qilavvaq-Savard, from Iqaluit. Writer Dennis Allen from Inuvik will lend advice to writing. Mika Harper will return home to Nunavut to delight children, along with local children’s author Celina Kalluk. Bill Flowers, originally from Nunatsiavut, and Juaaka Lyberth, from Greenland, will present on their novels. Alongside the festival is the Titiraqtat Emerging Writers Workshop. Over the three days, participants will learn more about the craft of writing and work on developing their skills for future creative projects.

Participants will also be able to meet with established local, national, and international Inuit writers. ICC thanks and recognizes the following sponsors and event support for their contributions, without whom the festival would not have been possible. 


  • Canada Council from the Arts,
  • Government of Nunavut, Department of Culture and Heritage,
  • Inhabit Media,
  • Nunavut Bilingual Education Society, and
  • Canadian North.


  • Canada Commission for UNESCO (CCUNESCO),
  • Nunavut Arctic College,
  • Nunavut Arctic College Media,
  • McGill University,
  • Inhabit Media,
  • Nunavut Bilingual Education Society,
  • Nuvviti School,
  • Iqaluit Centennial Library,
  • Friends of the Iqaluit Centennial Library,
  • Kalaalliit Atuakkiortut, Greenland Writers Association,
  • Frobisher Inn, and
  • Library and Archives Canada. 



Cassandra Elliott
Communications Advisor

Papatsi Kublu Hill
Festival Coordinator

The Inuit Circumpolar Council (ICC) is an Indigenous Peoples’ Organization (IPO), founded in 1977 to promote and celebrate the unity of 180,000 Inuit from Alaska (USA), Canada, Greenland, and Chukotka (Russia). ICC works to promote Inuit rights, safeguard the Arctic environment, and protect and promote the Inuit way of life. In regard to climate change, we believe that it is crucial for world leaders and governments to recognize, respect and fully implement the human rights of Inuit and all other Indigenous peoples across the globe.