ICC Activities
Taking Action to Advance the Inuit Vision

COP25 in Madrid, Spain
COP25 is formally known as the 25th session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP). The shorter name is “COP25”. It is scheduled in Madrid, Spain, December 2 – 13, 2019.
The conference takes place under the Presidency of the government of Chile, with logistical support from the government of Spain. The President-Designate for COP25 is Ms. Carolina Schmidt Zaldivar, Minister of the Environment, Chile.
COP25 is designed to take the next crucial steps in the UN climate change process. Following agreement on the implementation guidelines of the Paris Agreement at COP24 in Katowice, Poland last year, a key objective is to complete several matters with respect to the full operationalization of the Paris Climate Change Agreement.
The conference furthermore serves to build ambition ahead of 2020, the year in which countries have committed to submit new and updated national climate action plans. Crucial climate action work will be taken forward in areas including finance, the transparency of climate action, forests and agriculture, technology, capacity building, loss and damage, indigenous peoples, cities, oceans and gender.
In addition to the main COP25 meeting, there are hundreds of side events planned concurrently, providing opportunities for organizations, states, and NGOs to communicate on the topic of climate change. These are organized into three categories: Enhancing Ambition, Promoting Implementation, and Providing Support.
ICC Inuit leaders are here – the head of our delegation is ICC Chair Dalee Sambo Dorough. From the ICC (Canada) office we have the Vice-President (International) Lisa Koperqualuk here with us. Representing Inuit youth is the President of the National Inuit Youth Council in Canada Crystal Martin-Lapenskie.
Inuit Circumpolar Council Delegation
Dalee Sambo Dorough
Chairperson. Inuit Circumpolar Council (Head of Delegation)
Dr. Dalee Sambo Dorough is the Chairperson of the Inuit Circumpolar Council. She received a PhD in Law from University of British Columbia, Faculty of Law (2002) and a Master of Arts in Law & Diplomacy, The Fletcher School, Tufts University (1991). Presently, a Senior Scholar and Special Advisor on Arctic Indigenous Peoples, University of Alaska Anchorage, where she was an Assistant Professor of International Relations. Dr. Dorough was Chairperson (2014) and an Expert Member of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (2010-2016); and is now co-Chair of the International Law Association (ILA) Committee on Implementation of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
Lisa Koperqualuk
Vice President International Affairs, Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada
Lisa Qiluqqi Koperqualuk was born in Puvirnituq, Northern Quebec (Nunavik). With a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from Concordia University, Montreal, she holds a Master’s degree in Anthropology from Laval University, Quebec City. As the co-founder and former president of Saturviit Inuit Women’s Association of Nunavik, the issues of social justice concerning Inuit women and children lead her to spearhead a study looking into the Inuit women’s situation in Nunavik based on their perspective. She works for Inuit interests in self-determination advocating Inuit political and economic autonomy, social justice (particularly through Inuit law), and protection of the environment, culture and language.
Crystal Martin-Lapenskie
National Inuit Youth Council President
Crystal Martin-Lapenskie is a newly elected President of the National Inuit Youth Council in Canada. She is a non-voting member of Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (ITK), Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada and the Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada, she also sits as an observer with the Inuit-Crown Partnership Committee. Crystal’s role is to advance Inuit youth priorities are heard at those tables.
Benjamin Charles
Emerging Leader for Inuit Circumpolar Council Alaska
Benjamin Qetun’aq Charles is from Bethel, AK. His parents are Sophie Chaliak of Nunapitchuk, and the late, Frank Charles of Bethel. Benjamin studied Biology at the University of Alaska Anchorage. He is currently the Museum Coordinator for the Association of Village Council President. He also carries on the Yup’ik Heritage of carving masks and has two apprentices learning this beautiful tradition.
Eriel Lugt
TukTUV Youth rep
Eriel is a grade 12 student attending Mangilaluk School. She is Inuvialuit and lives in Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories. She has always had a passion for school, learning, trying new things, talking about how she feels, and just being a down-to-earth person with everyone. She is determined, brave, creative, and has a lot of family history. Her family is Inuvialuit and she is happy that she comes from such a background. With this film Happening To Us, she was not only able to witness climate change, she was also able to study her culture and how it was way back before the modern world started.
Carmen Kuptana
TukTUV Youth rep
Oublak Asii. Carmen is from Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories, Canada. Her traditional name is Kaguna. Her Great Daduk (grandfather) gave her her great Nanuk (Grandmother) Christina’s Inuvialuktun name, and out of their grand and great grandchildren, she was the only one who received this amazing name. Her Great Nanak was a strong, smart, and very traditional woman who was good at sewing, and in her culture were named after someone who they remind them of.
Darryl Tedjuk
TukTUV Youth rep
Darryl Tedjuk is a grade 10 student at Mangilaluk School from Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories. He has 3 brothers and 3 sisters; and is the youngest child of Ronald Felix Sr. and Bessie Tedjuk. He likes going out on the land and especially like to go hunting for his family. He likes to travel to all kinds of places on their Inuvialuit land and everywhere else. He is a proud Inuvialuit. His family is well known for living the traditional way of life; his father is a hunter and a carver and his mother is very good at preparing their traditional foods for their family and others. He has learned by traditional hunting and fishing skills from his dad, Ron Felix. He likes to provide caribou, geese and fish for his family. This summer, he worked for TukTV as a camera operator which started in the Nuna Tariuq Silalu program at school. He enjoyed travelling by helicopter to different areas of the Inuvialuit Settlement Region.
Nathan Kuptana
TukTUV Youth rep
Nathan, also known as Muk, has been living in Tuktoyaktuk, NT for his whole life. He is 19 years old and has been keeping busy with many things like working with recreation sports, and working with the youth at the Youth Centre, also doing a carpentry course that is being held in their community.