ICC Executive Council Members, 1977 to present
(as of 12 June 2024)
1977 – 1980
Chair: Eben Hopson
Executive Resolutions Committee: Willie Hensley, Bill Edmunds, Robert Peterson
Conference Steering Committee: Greenland: Carl Christian Olsen & Moses Olsen
Alaska: Charlie Edwardsen & Willie Hensley
Canada: Charlie Watt & Mark Gordon
Inuit Circumpolar Committee:
Canada: Bill Edmunds, Nelson Green, Jose Kusugak, Charlie Watt
Greenland: Carl Christian Olsen, Moses Olsen, Ove Rosing Olsen, Robert Petersen
Alaska: Charlie Edwardsen, Willie Hensley, Billy Neakok, Oscar Kawagley
1980 –1983
President Hans Pavia Rosing
Vice President Mary Simon
Council Member John Amagoalik
Vice President Aqqaluk Lynge
Council Member Lars Chemnitz
Vice President Jimmy Stotts
Council Member Oscar Kawagley
1983 – 1986
President Hans Pavia Rosing
Vice President Mark Gordon
Council Member Rhoda Innuksuk
Vice President Aqqaluk Lynge
Council Member Lars Chemnitz
Vice President Jimmy Stotts
Council Member Oscar Kawagley
1986 – 1989
President Mary Simon
Vice President: Rosemarie Kuptana
Council Member: William Andersen III
Vice President: Aqqaluk Lynge
Council Member: Carl Christian “Puju” Olsen
Vice President: Caleb Pungowiyi
Council Member: Jimmy Stotts
1989 – 1992
President Mary Simon
Vice-President: Les Carpenter
Council Member: Minnie Grey
Vice President: Aqqaluk Lynge
Council Member: Ingmar Egede
Vice President: Edna McLean
Council Member: Charlie Johnson
Russia – Ex-officio
Alexander Omrypkir
Nadezda Sudakova
1992 – 1995
1992 -1993 Eileen MacLean
1993-1995 Caleb Pungowiyi
Vice President: Minnie Grey
Council Member: Les Carpenter
Vice President: Ingmar Egede
Council Member: Aqqaluk Lynge
Vice President: Gloria Simeon
Council Member: John Schaeffer
Vice President: Zoya Ivanova
Council Member: Ludmila Ainana
1995 – 1998
1995-1997 Rosemarie Kuptana
1997-1998 Aqqaluk Lynge
Vice President: Sheila Watt-Cloutier
Council Member: Joe Kunuk
Vice-President: Aqqaluk Lynge
Council Member:
1995-1996: Kuupik Kleist
1996-1998: Alfred Jakobsen
Vice President: Ronald Brower
Council Member: Caleb Pungowiyi
Vice President: Tatiana Achirgina
Council Member: Valentina Golubeva
1998 – 2002
President: Aqqaluk Lynge
Vice President: Sheila Watt-Cloutier
Council Member: Duane Smith
1998-1999: Alfred Jakobsen
1999-2002: Uusaqqak Qujaukitsoq
Council Member:
1998-1999: Uusaqqak Qujaukitsoq
1999-2002: Carl Chirstian “Puju” Olsen
Vice President: Dennis Tiepelman
Council Member: Michael Pederson
Vice President: Lubov Otrokova
Council Member: Tatyana Kharchenko
2002 – 2006
Chair: Sheila Watt-Cloutier
Vice Chair: Duane Smith
Council Member: Violet Ford
Vice Chair: Aqqaluk Lynge
Council Member: Carl Christian “Puju” Olsen
Vice Chair: Chuck Greene
Council Member: Michael Pederson
Vice Chair: Natalia Rodionova
Council Member: Tatiana Kolpikova
2006 – 2010
2006-2009 Patricia Cochran
2009-2010 Jimmy Stotts
Vice Chair: Duane Smith
Council Member: Violet Ford
Vice Chair: Aqqaluk Lynge
Council Member: Carl Christian “Puju” Olsen
Vice Chair: Chuck Greene
Council Member: Edward Itta
Vice Chair: Tatiana Achirgina
Council Member: Valentina Leonova
Vice Chair: Duane Smith
Council Member: Kirt Ejesiak
Vice Chair: Carl Christian “Puju” Olsen
Council Member: Hjalmar Dahl
Vice Chair: James Stotts
Council Member: Vera Metcalf
Vice Chair: Tatiana Achirgina
Council Member: Elvira Tyunikova
Chair: Okalik Eegeesiak
2014-2016: Duane Smith
2016-2018: Nancy Karetak Lindell
Council Member: Herb Nakimayak
Vice Chair: Hjalmar Dahl
Council Member:
2014-2016 Martha Abelsen
2016-2018 Nuka Kleemann
Vice Chair: James Stotts
Council Member: Vera Metcalf
Vice Chair: Tatiana Achirgina
Council Member: Elena Kaminskaya
Chair: Dalee Sambo Dorough
Vice Chair: Monica Ell-Kanayuk
Council Member: Lisa Koperqualuk
Vice Chair: Hjalmar Dahl
Council Member: Nuka Kleemann
Vice Chair: James Stotts
Council Member: Vera Metcalf
Vice Chair: Liubov Taian
Council Member: Elena Kaminskaya
Chair: Sara Olsvig
Vice Chair: Lisa Qiluqqi Koperqualuk
Council Member: Herb Nakimayak
Vice Chair:
2022-2023: Kuupik Kleist
2023-: Hjalmar Dahl
Council Member:
2022-2023: Nuka Kleemann
2023-: Kathrine Bødker
Vice Chair: Marie Greene
Council Member: Nicole Wojciechowski
Vice Chair: Valentina Leonova
Executive Council Member: Egor Vereshagin
Common Acronyms in ICC Canada Records
Note: Includes both current and historical organizations, projects, government departments & agencies, etc. Please see the relevant administrative histories in the ICC Archives database to learn more about each organization.
Arctic Council
ACS | Arctic Council Secretariat |
AEC | Arctic Economic Council |
AEPS | Arctic Environmental Protection Strategy |
ACAP | Arctic Contaminants Action Program |
AMAP | Arctic Monitoring & Assessment Programme |
AHHEG | Arctic Human Health Expert Group (SDWG) |
CAFF | Conservation of Arctic Flora & Fauna |
EPPR | Emergency Prevention Preparedness and Response |
IPS | Indigenous Peoples Secretariat |
PAME | Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment |
SAO | Senior Arctic Officials |
SAON | Sustaining Arctic Observing Networks |
SDWG | Sustainable Development Working Group |
SECEG | Social, Economic & Cultural Expert Group (SDWG) |
Canadian federal government departments, agencies, etc.
ACAC | Arctic Cooperation Advisory Committee (formerly Arctic Council Advisory Committee) |
APS | Arctic Protection Strategy (Environment) |
ASWG | Arctic Security Working Group |
ATF | Arctic Task Force |
CCG | Canadian Coast Guard |
CIAC | Canadian International Arctic Centre (Oslo, Norway) |
CIDA | Canadian International Development Agency |
CIRNAC | Crown Indigenous Relations & Northern Affairs Canada |
CLD (DIAND) | Circumpolar Liaison Directorate (DIAND) |
CSAS (DFO) | Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat |
DND | Department of National Defence |
DFAIT | Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade |
DFO/FOC | Department of Fisheries and Oceans / Fisheries and Oceans Canada |
DIAND | Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development |
ECCC | Environment and Climate Change Canada |
GAC | Global Affairs Canada |
GALI | Global Arctic Leadership Initiative |
ICPC | Inuit Crown Partnership Committee |
IDRC | International Development Research Centre |
INAC | Indigenous & Northern Affairs Canada |
ISC | Indigenous Services Canada |
LAC | Library and Archives Canada |
NCP | Northern Contaminants Program |
UNDA | United Nations Declaration Act |
Inuit organizations, committees, ICC projects, etc.
ACL | Arctic Co-operatives Limited |
CIHSC | Circumpolar Inuit Health Steering Committee |
CIWC | Circumpolar Inuit Wildlife Committee |
CIWN | Circumpolar Inuit Wildlife Network |
COPE | Committee for Original People’s Entitlement |
IAF | Inuit Art Foundation |
IBC | Inuit Broadcasting Corporation |
ICC | Inuit Circumpolar Council / Inuit Circumpolar Conference |
ICC Canada | Inuit Circumpolar Council/Conference Canada (… ICC Alaska, etc.) |
ICNI | Inuit Committee on National Issues |
ICPC | Inuit Crown Partnership Committee |
IFSWG | Inuit Food Security Working Group |
IHSPC | Inuit Health Summit Planning Committee |
IHSWG | Inuit Health Survey Working Group |
IIBC | International Inuit Business Council |
INRIPP | Institution Building for Northern Russian Indigenous Peoples’ Project |
INRIPP-2 | Institution Building for Northern Russian Indigenous Peoples’ Project Part II |
INRP | Inuit Northern Research Program |
IQNC | Inuit Qaujisarvingat National Committee |
IRC | Inuvialuit Regional Corporation |
ISR | Inuivialuit Settlement Region |
ITK/ITC | Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami/Inuit Tapirisat of Canada |
NICE | National Inuit Committee on Education |
NICoH | National Inuit Committee on Health |
NISPS | National Inuit Suicide Prevention Strategy |
NIYC | National Inuit Youth Council |
NQIA | Northern Québec Inuit Association |
NTI | Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. |
United Nations
UN | United Nations |
BBJN | Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdictions |
CBD | Convention on Biological Diversity |
ECOSOC | Economic and Social Development Council |
EMRIP | Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
IDIL | International Decade of Indigenous Languages |
ILO | International Labour Organization |
IMO | International Maritime Organization |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change |
LCIPP | Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform |
MCM | Minamata Convention on Mercury |
MEPC | Marine Environment Protection Committee (under IMO) |
UNCLOS | United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea |
UNDP | United Nations Development Programme |
UNDRIP | United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Program |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization |
UNFCCC | United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change |
UNPFII | United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues |
AIMRF | Association of Indigenous Minorities of the Russian Federation (now RAIPON) |
AOS | Arctic Observing Summit |
ASM | Annual Science Meeting |
BITI | Belize Indigenous Training Institute |
CAO | Central Arctic Ocean |
CBC | Canadian Broadcasting Corporation |
CITES | Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species |
COP | Conference of the Parties |
EALLU | International Centre for Reindeer Husbandry |
GIS | Geographic Information System |
GOSKOMSEVER | State Committee on Northern Affairs of the Russian Federation |
HFO | Heavy Fuel Oil |
IASC | International Arctic Science Committee |
IPLC | Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities |
IUCN | International Union for the Conservation of Nature |
LCIPP | Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples Platform |
MEDT | Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation |
MINNATS | Ministry of Federation Affairs, Nationalities and Migration Policy of the Federation (Russian Federation) |
NAMMCO | North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission |
NGO | Non-Governmental Organization |
NWP | North Water Polyna |
ONC | Oceans North Canada |
POPs | Persistent Organic Pollutants |
RAIPON | Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North |
RITC | Russian Indigenous Training Centre |
SLiCA | Survey of Living Conditions in the Arctic |
WCIP | World Council of Indigenous Peoples |
WWF/WWFC | World Wildlife Fund / Canada |